Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Copy of letter from many years ago.

Feed the World
I was driving in the car recently and listening to the song Feed the World. After the song was over, I was still pondering this thought and how one person could make a difference when I remembered a saying I had read or heard somewhere. It was, think globally and act locally. That idea can be brought down to globally being your community and locally being YOU.

We most often relate “feed” as food for the body. I’m thinking…that and more. Feed you first and feeding the world becomes easy.

Feed your mind – Read interesting and thought provoking ideas. Talk with someone whose knowledge in an area you’re interested in exceeds yours. Have a healthy debate with someone and challenge yourself to see and understand another’s point of view. (not to be confused with arguing)

Feed your heart – If you’ve been thinking you need to make good on an old situation either by offering an apology or by extending forgiveness…do it now. Being loved is our most sought after feeling. Give your HEART. The more you give, the more you get. From children to the elders…go for it.

Feed your spirit – Inspiration comes in many forms. Nature is full of gifts to enjoy and savor everyday. Attend a religious gathering. Read from your favorite inspirational author. Attend a workshop. Even movies can inspire. Many people who have inspired me have videos out and I have also found them on public television, just by accident, just when I needed it.

Feed your body – Break bread with friends and family. Laugh. Tell stories. Inspire. Love.

And if everyone who receives this letter, takes one can of food to the food bank or pays for one meal at a mission serving the homeless and each of you share this thought with all of your friends and family, who share it with all of theirs, and so on, and so on…Well, WE will have “FED” the WORLD.

May you always feel full! May your heart be forever young, your laughter ring loud, and the spirit of Christ mas live within you all year long.

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