Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Need of Human Friendship

This is from an article that had been cut out and pasted in that old book I mentioned. It is titled
"The need of Human Friendship"

We all need the touch of human friendship. We need it specially in our times of darkness.
No person lives well who does not draw about him or her a few loving friends who will be a tower of strength in days of storm and strife.
There is a time to show sympathy when it is needed;  when the time has passed and we have only slept meanwhile , we may as well sleep on.
You did not go near your friend when he was fighting his battle alone.
You might have helped him then. What use is there in your coming to him now, when he has won or conquered without your aid.
You paid no attention to your neighbor while he was bending under his load and struggling with many difficulties.
You let him alone then. You never told him you sympathized with him. You never went to him to speak a word of encouragement in those days when your help was so much needed.
You never scattered a handful of flowers on his hard path.
And now that he has gone what is the use of recalling how nobly he battled , how heroically he lived.
No, no; having let him go on unhelped, uncheered, unencouraged during those days, when he needed so sorely your sympathy.
Truly, human sympathy is a much needed quality in the building of character,
Let us strive to make it an important factor in our lives this day and henceforth.

Written in the early nineteenth century, but still applicable today wouldn't you say???

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